Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tyler Jamison Rill is here!

Tyler was born on Tuesday March 22 2011 at 9:23 pm at Fairfax Hospital in Falls church Virginia! 

Wow, what a day.  The day that started the rest of our lives.  It happened in an instant, our lives changed and we fell in love with this little being.  He came out screaming screaming screaming and what a relief that was.  With apgar scores of 9 and 9 we knew he was a healthy boy.  After all he was 9 lbs!!!  OMG 9 lbs!!  The doctor and the nurses were shocked!  How this little guy flew under the radar with his poundage I don't know.  It seemed pretty obvious to me...I was huge but this being my first pregnancy who was I to say.  So I guess I'll start at the beginning, well not the real beginning but the beginning of Tyler decent.  It started on monday March 21.  I didn't really feel well, that of coarse being relative because I was sick the whole 9 months, so really I mean I felt awful.  Took my blood pressure with the blood pressure machine that mama Jane and papa Joe had lent me and it was high.  So what's the first thing I did...took a shower...of coarse!  I knew this was it.  So after the shower I called my doctors and they said go straight to the hospital.  So although I knew this was it, I was still surprised, hard to explain.  I was excited!  Called Mike of coarse and home he came.  We packed up the car and off we went nervous and excited as hell.  We got to the hospital about 3pm and checked into triage.  My blood pressure was still high and my urine was postive for protiens.  Yipee! pre-ecplamsia is Tylers ticket out!  I knew it was time...i felt my body just could not take it anymore.  So they admitted me to labor and delivery to be induced in the morning.  Meanwhile still having heart palpitations too.  Never really got our heads around that but most likely related to the retained fluid putting stress on my heart.  Next got some cervidil to soften up that cervix and that's all it took to start the process.  Started having contractions about 2am and with great intensity starting around 6 am.  At that point I was 5cm dialted and ready for the epidural.  I held off as long as I could and I couldnt wait any longer.  In walked dr. yarnel.  boy was I happy!  An anestheiologist and friend of mine from work. He happened to be on and I couldn't have been happier.  Wow, that epidural was amazing.
I thought wow now I can handle this.  This is going to be easy.  My pain is totally gone!  I took a nap!  Apparently snoring so loud everyone could here down the hall.  Well, that lasted a good 8 hours then the real pain started.  He had dropped far enough down to be out of the numb zone.  Afterall, I was having a baby but I sure was expecting that epidural to help some towards the end.  Well, 7pm hit and 9cm dialted...finally...time to push.  Thank goodness, lets get him out!  We had a wonderful nurse who without I could not have done it.  Seriously!  This nurse was my biggest cheerleader next to Mike. She was a little drill sargent mixed with a  

Round Number 2

So Tyler is 2.5 years old and I'm 8 weeks preggers.  For those of you still following this blog..Surprise!  The all too familiar nausea and fatigue of round number 1 started around 6 weeks.  I took my first dose of Phenergan last night with great success.  I got a whole night sleep for first time in 2 weeks.  Nausea was gone and I was dead asleep 15 minutes after taking it and woke up feeling great.  Awwwww I feel human again.  I've managed to get to work all but one day the past two weeks which has been a monumental challenge.  Tylers getting over bronchitis too so that's been difficult as well.  He's been up many times during the night coughing.  He slept the whole night last coughing and no nightmares....pheww.  I haven't officially announced this pregnancy but have told a number of people.  If all works out this baby will be born first week in June.  The kiddos will be 3 years and 3 months apart.  Tyler has been living a diaper free lifestyle for about a month now.  He's done very well with potty training but has many accidents along the way.  We've had poo in place you would never imagine including a terd hanging from the bathroom wall.  So now instead of knowing where the poo is, the diaper, it could be anywhere.  Not such a great feeling but guess its part of the deal.  Well, he should be 100% potty trained by the time this next baby comes along which is key. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tyler 8 Weeks

OK I have lots of blogging to catch up on.  Tyler Turned 8 weeks this week.  Wow time has flown by.  He is now 14 lbs 9 oz which is the 97%ile.  He's 25 inches long which is the 99 %ile.  Head circum is 41cm which is the 90 %ile.  All that really means is that he's a big boy...nothing we already didn't know, right.  We had a wonderful pediatrician appointment with my favorite favorite pediatrician.  He's simply the best and was put on this planet to do this job.  Tyler, of coarse, impressed him in a few ways.  Tyler gave him a big ole grin when he walked in so he's already learning when and who to kiss some ass too.  Always to your advantage to have your doctor like you.  His first comment was, "well I see he hasn't been missing any meals." and the answer is no way!  Tyler is maxing out all available nutritional sources.  He has maxed out my breast capacity and is on his was to maxing out our bottle capacity.  My breast milk from the start has not been able to keep up with his needs and I'm now wondering if I should just give em a steak.  We may need to just skip the whole cereal and soft food stage because he's ready for a steak!  None the less, he continues to be a complete joy to take care of.  I never thought I would enjoy being mom as much as I do to this little boy.  He smiles and coo's and kicks his legs about to get your attention and all of it he does.  He found his thumb the other day and sucked on if I'm starving the child and he needs something else to suck on.  Surprisingly I found myself so proud of him for sucking on his thumb.  He had been sucking on his hands for days trying to find that thumb.  Now, whose the real sucker, mom!  Why I was so proud at that moment I don't know, but I even had to call Mike at work to tell him.  So silly.  OK back to how Tyler impressed the doc today.  Doc mentioned how nice his skin and overall complexion is.  He never got any of the bad newborn baby stuff.  He had very few milia that lasted a week and a touch of cradle cap but overall he has had a great complexion his whole life, all 8 weeks.  But then again the Doc being an Irish guy probably has a predisposition for liking the pale milky skin.  I think Tyler got my pale skin which is too bad because the obvious choice would have been Mike's darker olive complexion.  Doc was also impressed with the circumcision...I'm serious...funny that I'm blogging about my sons business I know.   But he did say they all don't heal this well and my OB did a great job.  After all it WAS surgery so you like to hear they did a good job.  We ended the visit with a couple shots...oouch.  Tyler gave us a big scream then was fine.  We then headed over to Dad's work so he could show off his little dude to his co-workers.  They ooo'd and aaaa'd and Tyler cheesed it up with a few of the ladies then home for a good nap.  That's all the updates on Tyler.  Oooh other than he was pronounced King of the Cute's!  That's the Cute society for those not familiar.   

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Insomnia seems to be the newest game in town.  Sleep has been a struggle for a couple months now but nothing a little tylenol PM couldn't cure...until recently.  Tried Ambien with luck for a couple nights but last 2 nights it has done nothing.  I've literally been up all night after taking an Ambien.  Something must be brewing because it makes no sense.  Must be some hormone change.  Passed the mucous plug yesterday which is a good sign...cervix must be dilated somewhat.  Going to check in with the OB tomorrow so I'll know more in the afternoon.  Feet and ankles are even more swollen than uncomfortable and so depressing to look at.  I could cry if I look at them long enough. 
     Mike's finally feeling better.  He's had the flu for days now.  High temperatures etc... It's been rough trying to take care of him while trying to stay away from him.  We've had him quaratined to the 4th floor room and so far it's worked.  I havn't got it and I'm sooo thankful.
   Nothing much else to report.  It's just a waiting game at this point.  We're ready and waiting!    

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Wanted to post about my super hero husband's most recent award!  He was given the MVP award for golie in his mens lacrosse league!!  I'm so proud of him...he works hard in all aspects of his life but lacrosse is the one thing he enjoys the hell out of.  Not very often in life your recognized for your hard work so this is really cool!  Will post a pic of the award.  Congratulations baby! 

He's making a move

His head is engaged in the pelvis and I'm 50% effaced!!  He's making a move!  I very well could be like this for weeks but progress is progress and I'm thrilled!  He had significant growth this past week too...OB's guessing he's 7lbs now.  We're as ready as we'll ever be.  Can't wait to meet you little one!